Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, Volume 14 (2019), Special Issue. A Volume in Honour of Professor Anna Krasnowolska. Editor-in-Chief: Celina Juda
Anna Krasnowolska is an outstanding Polish Iranologist. She is the author of two monographs and more than 150 scholarly publications. Her comprehensive research work deals with various aspects of the history of pre-Islamic and Modern Iranian literature and culture, including the development and functioning of national mythology, the formation and transformation of the Iranian religious system, Iranian social and aesthetic concepts, and oral and written communication issues.
A collection of papers dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor A. Krasnowolska (276 pages) contains 22 thematically miscellaneous articles authored by prominent orientalists from different countries (among them Poland, France, Austria, Sweden, Hungary, England, and the USA). The volume is prefaced by an informative article that describes Anna Krasnowolska’s life and work (the author is A. Krasnowolska’s disciple, Professor Renata Rusek-Kowalska). It is compiled in three languages: English (pp. 1-4), Polish (pp. 5-7) and Persian (pp. 9-13), and is followed by a list of Anna Krasnowolska’s selected scholarly works (pp. 15-24).
It is noteworthy that, traditionally, Polish orientalists (particularly the founder of the Kraków School of Oriental Studies, Professor Franciszek Machalski [1904-1979] and his disciples) have always had close contact with leading Georgian orientalists. The present volume, devoted to the distinguished representative of the Iranian Studies Department of the Jagiellonian Kraków University, will be highly useful and interesting for Georgian scholars.