Author Guidelines
The journal accepts submissions at any time on
Manuscripts should be in MS Word, min 5000 words, including References. Please use Sylfaen 11 pt for the body and References and Sylfaen 10 pt for block quotes and footnotes (if any). Pages should be numbered, preferably in the lower right-hand corner.
Use block format for quotations longer than five lines. Do not use quotation marks with block quotes and indent the entire quotation from both sides. Precede and follow the block quote by a blank line.
Submissions for the Articles section
Locally affiliated authors are expected to submit their manuscripts in Georgian and English in full length, together with keywords in both languages and a 100-200-word abstract in English.
International authors are expected to submit their manuscripts in English, German or French, together with an extended summary in Georgian. In case of successful international contributions, the journal may offer, at its discretion, to provide the Georgian translation of the extended summary with its own resources. If the manuscript is in German or French, an English extended summary will also be required. The manuscript must also include keywords and a 100-200-word abstract in English.
Contributions to the Review Articles, Book Reviews, Opinions, Responses and Debates sections
Papers for these sections must be submitted in one of the following languages - Georgian, English, German or French, together with a 100-200-word abstract. An English abstract is required for a Georgian contribution and both, English and Georgian abstracts are required for contributions in English, German and French. In case of international contributions, the journal may offer, at its discretion, to provide the Georgian translation of the English abstract with its own resources.
Citation Style
The Journal conforms to the Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition) / Turabian 7th edition.
Authors are free to choose between the Author-Date and Footnote citation formats for their manuscripts. However, the same format must be followed throughout the entire manuscript.
Common citation examples are provided here.
The ISU Manual of Style, which has been designed based on Turabian 7th ed., provides citation rules in Georgian (see Part II).
In peer-reviewed research articles published in the English/German/French languages, bibliography citations for Georgian sources should be translated into the corresponding language and followed by a citation in Georgian.