Tiziana Suarez-Nani, Tamar Tsopurashvili (eds). Héritages platoniciens et aristotéliciens dans l’Orient et l’Occident (IIe-XVIe siècles), Actes du colloque de Tbilissi, juin 2019, édité par Scrinium Friburgense, Veröffentlichungen des Mediävistischen Inst
This trilingual volume brings together materials from the international conference Neoplatonism and Aristotelianism in Eastern and Western Christianity held in 2019 at Ilia State University in Tbilisi, Georgia, and organized by the Savle Tsereteli Institute of Philosophy. Each paper has its own particular way of engaging with the traces that Platonism and Aristotelianism left on intellectual developments, stretching from late antiquity to the Middle Ages, and spreading to both Western and Eastern Christian traditions. It is noteworthy that the Eastern Christian tradition is portrayed not only through the Byzantine thinkers of the Greek language, but also through the Georgian line of philosophical and literary development, exemplified, among others, through Ioane Petritsi’s heritage, that, both in its theoretical content and in its philological practice, adheres to the Greek tradition and is nourished mainly by Neoplatonist elements (especially Proclos). The collection groups the papers into five thematic sections that follow one another chronologically: Patristics, [Greek] Neoplatonism, Ioane Petritsi, Latin XIV-XIII centuries, and Renaissance.