Kakha Katsitadze. HOMO MILITARIS: Man the Warrior, Vol. 1, Community and Brotherhood, Polygraph Publishers Tbilisi, Tbilisi. 2011, 304 pp.
This book attempts to reveal the relationship between predator behaviour(bear, wolf, boar, lion, etc.) and the type of warfare practiced by combatantpeoples. It also discusses archaic military symbols in the same light. This work,which offers a vast amount of information and original findings, was plannedto be continued in following volumes, but the author’s intention has remainedunfulfilled.Downloads
How to Cite
Kiknadze, Z. (2013). Kakha Katsitadze. HOMO MILITARIS: Man the Warrior, Vol. 1, Community and Brotherhood, Polygraph Publishers Tbilisi, Tbilisi. 2011, 304 pp. KADMOS, 1(4), 472–474. https://doi.org/10.32859/kadmos/4/472-474