The History of the Georgian Church from Its Establishment to the End of the 7th Century
Mikheil TarkhnishviliAbstract
The History of the Georgian Church from Its Establishment to the End of the 7th Century by Mikheil Tarkhnishvili (1897-1958), a renowned Georgian church historian residing in Italy, remained unpublished before recently (Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Academic Institute, Tbilisi, 2014, 470 pp). The book was prepared for publication and supplied with an extensive review in Georgian and German, notes and an index by Dr. Nugzar Papuashvili. The publication was edited by Professor Zurab Kiknadze and the canon law licentiate, Hubert Kaufhold. Mikheil Tarkhnishvili’s outstanding scholarly heritage is well known to the Georgian educated public as well as to foreign Kartvelologists. This work, written in Rome half a century ago, exposes the author’s profound understanding of the history of the Georgian Church and unveils previously unknown significant evidence, culminating in far-reaching conclusions.Published
How to Cite
Papishvili, M. (2018). The History of the Georgian Church from Its Establishment to the End of the 7th Century. KADMOS, (8), 316–342.